June 15, 2007

Almost normal...

Jason with a map detailing the prefectures and regions of Japan.

Hello everyone, It’s me Jason again. It’s been a while since I have written a post. I have been great. I have finally started my journey as a Seiritsu High School student and I must say that it has been great.

As you know this is my second year in Japan, my first year was spent at a local junior high school and this year I have started at the Seiritsu high school. I have already made many friends and I am enjoying their company everyday.

When I first started at Seiritsu I felt like any other normal kid would, shy about making new friends, but as the days went by I realized that Seiritsu is a really friendly environment. So if you are scared about making friends please believe me when I say that it is the last thing that should be on your mind because it is the easiest thing to do.

When I first came to Japan, the first six months were very difficult for me to catch a train by myself because I didn’t know how to read the signs. Although as the year went by and my Japanese level improved I must say that I could start to catch the train pretty much anywhere. After a while I started to remember the kanji for all the stations around the area, and also most stations have the English letters for the Japanese words on place signs, which makes it much easier to understand.

Although I have been here in Japan for one year I am still finding it very difficult to use the Japanese style 'deep-squat' toilets, soooo I avoid them. Thank goodness for western ones...

The Japanese can be very flexible, and sit on the floor for long periods. The way they can stretch their legs at bent angles, which is just their comfortable sitting position, is too awkward for me.

That’s all for me this month, I will keep updating you during the year with fresh information.

Jason Davidson



about Seiritsu

Seiritsu Gakuen is a private co-educational high school created in 1925 and it is located in Tokyo, Japan.

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