April 9, 2018

2018 Club Shokai (Introductions)

Every year, we have an afternoon at the start of the school year set aside for students to demonstrate or explain their school activity to the newcomer students. All of the homeroom classes move around the school to the various rooms and locations to see what clubs are available.


Our school really likes to promote the idea of sport and study together. We use the concept of 文武両道 which is often quoted as "pen and sword in accord." Club activity is normally a major part of a student's life. So, on top of their class studies, we hope the students get involved in a club and learn and experience a lot there.


This day is important in many ways. Some clubs work really hard at getting new members and others just focus on getting people already interested in the same topic or activity. Our English club tries to get more members every year so that the fun and games are even more fun. Wish us luck!



about Seiritsu

Seiritsu Gakuen is a private co-educational high school created in 1925 and it is located in Tokyo, Japan.

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