July 6, 2020


Many countries are still on lockdown or have officially started their summer breaks. They will be planning for the new school year all summer. Here in Japan, most schools started back up in June and classes are running normally. Well, that is not exactly accurate. Things are not really "normal" in the true sense. But most schools have the students coming in every day or almost every day. Most schools run all day long. The teachers are teaching their regular classes.

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Of course, we are all taking safety precautions. There is a lot to consider when looking at school life. You have means of transportation, arriving at the school and making sure the students are healthy, the way classes are held, breaks between classes and lunch breaks, and after school activities. Even with all the extra challenges, it sure is nice to be with the students in person.



about Seiritsu

Seiritsu Gakuen is a private co-educational high school created in 1925 and it is located in Tokyo, Japan.

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