January 24, 2022

Entrance Exams 2022

It is that time of year again!
We are holding our entrance exams to see who will join our school in the coming academic year.
Our high school exams were this past weekend.
And now our junior high exams are coming up soon.

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January 14, 2022

Olivia shares her winter holiday fun

Hello everyone,

I hope you all had a lovely winter break. With both my first Christmas in another country and my first New Year's in Japan, the winter holidays were exciting for me!

I ate lots of good food (probably too much) and I met some great people who I celebrated the festivities with.

On Christmas Day, we all cooked nabemono 鍋物 (hot pot) together. It was easy to cook and delicious. We enjoyed it with some mulled wine. Mulled wine is what we traditionally drink at Christmas time in the UK so I was happy to have a taste of home as well as some yummy Japanese food.

I celebrated New Year's Eve with friends too and on January 2nd we went to Tokyo Daijingu shrine for Hatsumōde. Hatsumōde is the first shrine or temple visit of the New Year and I got an omikuji, which is a strip of paper with a fortune written on it. Fortunately, mine predicted good fortune so I took it home with me and I am in the process of working out what the different parts say as it is written in some difficult kanji! If I had received a bad fortune omikuji, I would have tied it at the temple and left it there which is done so that the predicted misfortune does not follow you home.

I hope everyone is well-rested after the winter holiday and looking forward to the coming year!

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January 12, 2022

To-kyo becomes Sno-kyo!


Did you see the snow in Tokyo at the beginning of the year?
I decided to go to Shibuya to see the snow from high places.
I was surprised by how much snow actually fell as I've not seen so much in the past 3 years. Did you see the snow?

It was so beautiful so I decided to take some pictures of it. I was worried about my plants because I thought that they might not survive the freezing cold but they seem to be okay. I didn't have the time to make a snowman but next time I see snow I want to!

What do you like to do when it snows?

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about Seiritsu

Seiritsu Gakuen is a private co-educational high school created in 1925 and it is located in Tokyo, Japan.

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