June 9, 2022

Sports Day is around the corner - let's be ready!

A big event that happens ever year as the first term tests are finishing up is Sports Day. It's time to start practicing for all the events that happen on this big day. Sports Days are an integral annual event not just at Seiritsu, but for everyone in Japan. Some are held in May and June while others are held in the fall - in September or October.

Children all over Japan, from kindergarten to senior high school, take part in sports days at their schools. Parents and grandparents almost always come and watch and join in the fun for younger students. In junior high and senior high fewer family members come out but there are still quite a few watching on the sidelines. This is all just to say, sports days are a big deal.

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about Seiritsu

Seiritsu Gakuen is a private co-educational high school created in 1925 and it is located in Tokyo, Japan.

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